Lucien Crochet Sancerre Blanc "Le Chene Marchand" 2022


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Alcohol: 13%

Grape(s): Sauvignon Blanc

Localization: Sancerre, Loire, France

Tasting Notes: From the ideally-situated Clos du Chêne Marchand, this wine opens with pure fruits (often green apple and lime) tied to a taut mineral spine. Often displaying aromas of honeysuckle, this wine, greater in complexity than the Croix du Roy or the basic Sancerre, also often offers a filigreed finesse and elegance that communicates the ideal terroir of this acclaimed Clos.

The Domain: Domaine Lucien Crochet stems from the fusion of the winegrowing estates of André Crochet (Lucien’s father) and Lucien Picard (his father-in-law). The latter was one of the pioneers of bottling in the Sancerre region and one of the first to sell his Sancerre wines in Paris in the early 1950s.

Lucien Crochet expanded the estate over the last thirty years to its current surface area of 38 hectares. His son, Gilles, now runs the estate. 29 hectares are planted with Sauvignon Blanc. It is with these grapes that they produce their range of white wines. The remaining 9 hectares are planted with Pinot Noir, which goes into making the red and rosé wines.

Most of Lucien Crochet's vineyards are located within the village of Bué, with some in the neighboring communes of Sancerre, Crézancy, and Vinon. The soil and subsoil are clay-limestone based and date back to the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian stages.

Most of the vines face south, south-west, and south-east, giving the grapes maximum exposure to the summer sun.