Cabot Clothbound Cheddar - Cabot & Jasper Hill *Quarter Pound*


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Available in quarter-pound increments.

In 2003, Cabot Creamery partnered with Jasper Hill to age a special batch of cheddar, sparking a revolutionary collaboration.  The cheese is made by Cabot then sent off to Jasper Hill's cellars where they wrap the cheese in cloth bandages and use lard as a natural adhesive. The cheeses ripen in a specially calibrated vault in the Cellars, where they are constantly brushed, turned, and monitored for quality. The flavor is nutter with notes of butterscotch. Sweet and Savory with a crystaline crunch that helped solidify Jasper Hills standing as a new world "old world" cheesemaker. 

Unpasteurized Cow Milk

Greensboro, Vermont