Gérard Boulay Sancerre Comtesse 2022


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Gerard Boulay has become an essential source in this village for rock solid, exceptionally transparent Sauvignon, with wines that display tension, length and longevity. They are as complete as anything produced in Sancerre today. His wines marry the intensity and complexity of Chavignol’s other noteworthy producers, the Cotats & Vatan, to a nerve and grace akin to the very best of Chablis, which shares the same Kimmeredgian soils as Chavignol. For all the immediate joy that they can give in their youth, they are truly at their best with a few years of bottle age.

This comes from two parcels of 50+ year old vines in the sweet spot of Monts Damnés. Also aged in a combination of larger older barrel and tank and bottled unfiltered. Comtesse always stands out for its graceful intensity and really hits its stride when given time to unfold in the cellar.