Naive Rough-Ground Organic 75% Chocolate (Mini Size)(Chocolate Maker)


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"To us, the Equator collection concept is to use ingredients that come from a single ecosystem. Because an ecosystem's minerals, water, and soil give life to its plants, the living things that thrive together inherently taste good together. Every chocolate bar from this collection is solely composed of ingredients grown the area on region of the earth surrounding the equator with bright and intense flavours symbiotically blended into the house made tropical chocolate."


"Sub-tropical nights are so exceptionally dark! As you cannot see anything at all, other senses sharpen: you can hear more clearly and smell more intensely. A midnight orchestra of birds, insects and animals salute the darkness with their high-pitched tunes. Listen carefully as a cacophony turns into the best melody you have ever heard. Inhale so you can sense the aromas of all the exotic flowers and plants. Taste. Let the flavours of the jungle help you t