Fee Brothers Bitters


Only 5 left!

In March 2020, Benjamin Fee Spacher joined the Fee Brothers team and trained to take over Ellen’s job as Production Manager and Batch Maker.  Born October 1986, Benn is Ellen & Joe’s nephew, the youngest son of their sister, Mary Fee Spacher.  He earned his college degree in Technology from Oswego University.  Before coming on board to Fee Brothers, Benn had worked in IT and IT security.  As a teenager, he had spent most of his summers working in the Fee Brothers production department.  Benn is very adept with common sense and mechanical skills, and has a strong work ethic.

Benn became COO on January 1, 2021, when Ellen transferred ownership to him and his brother Jon.  Jonathan F Spacher is the eldest son of Mary Fee Spacher, born May 1976 and a graduate of Penn State University with a degree in Insurance.  He spent 24 years working in the Insurance industry, ultimately becoming a regional president for a national insurance company.  In April 2021, Jon started at Fee Brothers as CEO.  Jon has a real knack for business and sales and a great enthusiasm for the cocktail industry.

For many years, Fee Brothers was one of the last producers of Cocktail Bitters in the United States.  Once referred to as “The Noah’s Arc of Bitters,” they kept those products from going extinct before the great classic cocktail revival.  Fee Brothers continues to stretch and expand.  Their products have been shipped to every continent except Antarctica, which as of this writing, is lacking a known restaurant or bar.

Could James, Owen, John, and Joseph ever have dreamed in the 1860’s what the future would hold?  Many years have passed since that little saloon/delicatessen was established in 1863.  The care that Fee Brothers puts into bottling their products and the concern for each and every customer’s needs carries the company into the future.  The Fee family takes pride in their company’s history by displaying this little verse:

“The House of Fee by the Genesee 

Since eighteen hundred and sixty-three.”

Made in the United States of America
Size: 5oz