Brabander Goat Gouda - Fromagerie L'Amuse *Quarter Pound*


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Available in quarter-pound increments.

Goat milk is not typically used for producing aged cheeses, or Goudas of any age.  But when the affineur is the preeminent Gouda maturer in the world, anything is possible.  Betty lets Brabander rest at temperatures higher than normal, which elicits savory notes  and a slight gaminess that are not commonly found in Gouda.  That is not to say that the expected sweetness and nuttiness are absent, they simply exist in harmony with other flavors in the spectrum.

Sweet and nutty flavors dominate up front, but are braced with a pleasant savoriness in the finish.  Texturally dense, smooth and rich, not unlike fudge.

Pasteurized Goat's Milk