Browne Trading Company - Beluga Siberian Caviar 50g

$279.00 $319.00

Only 1 left!

- Available in 50g Jar - 

(Huso huso & Acipenser baerii) 

Easily the most recognizable and sought after caviar producing species on the world market, the beluga sturgeon produces caviar of sublime quality. This stunning caviar exhibits the most desirable qualities of both sturgeon in this hybrid species. The beluga’s typically large, firm, and creamy grains are combined with the Siberians’ sweet and complex finish on the palate.

Giaveri is a small, family-run aquaculture farm that initially raised, eel, carp, and sturgeon for sport-fishing, and later developed a state-of-the-art caviar production facility in Treviso, Italy. Set-apart not only by consistent quality and flavor but also by its attention-to-detail (which extends to the sourcing mineral water from artesian wells), Giaveri produces some of the highest-quality caviar on the market.