ABC+ Horse Mackerel in Brava Sauce by Jose Gourmet


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They say “Brava,” we shout “Bravo!” Red pepper, chili, and garlic envelop these delightfully flavorful Carapau in a sweet, spicy, and creamy harmony that’s sure to leave you wanting more.

Horse Mackerel are widely consumed in Portugal and come in many sizes. ABC+ sources the smallest at the market, as they tend to be packed with the most flavor and nutrients. The Brava sauce has a bright orange, creamy shine that invites you to dive in head first. Just a touch spicy, but with perfect balance - we can’t help but soak up every last drop with whatever source of carbs we have around.

SERVING: With spicy pickles on a charcuterie board, soaking through a hearty loaf of bread, creating a sauce and protein in your next decadent rice dish

MADE in Portugal

Innovative, experimental, and extremely small scale, ABC+ is breathing new life into the world of conservas. As tinned fish gain popularity, giant companies are eager to consolidate, push production, and limit creativity in the name of scalability. Recipes for sardines in EVOO, lemon, and tomato are tried and true, but ABC+ builds on that tradition by developing new, elevated recipes preserved in distinctively round hand-sealed cans. Discover their alphabetic range of ever expanding creativity, and circle back regularly for this fish tale’s unfolding chapters.